First Published 1945 file size 45805 kb Download link Sanskrit to Hindi dictionary pdf Published by Sujit Mukherjee – Orient Longman Ltd. Book Name Sanskrit to Hindi-English dictionary Author or Editor Suryakanta / Orient Longman ltd. It is easy to find and use, and it is a great way to learn the language. It is a PDF and is broken up into different categories like verbs, adjectives, nouns, and more. This Sanskrit dictionary is a list of words and translations. The foregoing remarks are made not with the view of detracting. If I compiled an English- Sanskrit Dictionary adapted to the wants of the student. Sanskrit to English dictionary pdf free download (faq).The Sanskrit to English Dictionary(pdf) is the standard dictionary for the Sanskrit language.Download link-Sanskrit to English dictionary pdf free download.Sanskrit to English dictionary pdf file Size.Author or Editor of Sanskrit dictionary.PDF Sanskrit to English Dictionary: Translation Sanskrit Hindi English Dictionary PDF.Sanskrit dictionary pdf translate to Hindi-English.